Rip. Mix. Copy to iPod.
Download TubeSock 3.2 For Mac OS X
Download TubeSock for Mac 3.2 here (4.6 MB zip). This new release fixes some problems caused by changes to various video sites in late 2011, adds support for additional video sites, and more. Please report all bugs you find!
Previous VersionDownload TubeSock for Mac 2.0 here (4.4 MB zip). This version no longer works but it's the most recent non-beta version, so it's listed here for completeness. The trial mode limits the duration of converted videos to 30 seconds. If you have registered, it will use your existing registration key.
What's new in 2.0? A conversion queue, support for additional sites, drag-and-drop conversion of FLV files, and more. If you like what you see, please register the software and we'll email you a license key that will remove the trial limitations.
Download TubeSock 1.1.1 For Windows XP and Vista
Download the latest version of TubeSock for Windows here (6.5 MB zip). This new version solves some issues that started in July 2010. If you have registered, it will use your existing registration key. The trial version limits the duration of converted videos to 30 seconds. If you like what you see, please register the software and we'll email you a license key that will remove the trial limitations.
Download TubeSock 1.0.1 For Mac OS X
If for some reason you want version 1.0, you can download the trial version of TubeSock 1.0 here. (3.4 MB zip) (Note: TubeSock 1.0.1 only supports YouTube.) The trial version limits the duration of converted videos to 30 seconds. If you like what you see, please register the software and we'll email you a license key that will remove the trial limitations.
TubeSock for Mac requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later. (DailyMotion support requires Mac OS 10.4 or later.) TubeSock is a Universal Binary for Intel-based Mac OS computers. TubeSock for Windows requires Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista with dot net 2.0. The installer will check for, and offer to install, any missing dot net stuff.
iTunes integration requires iTunes 6.0, 7.0, or above, for both Mac and Windows.
OK, now what?
After you download TubeSock, you should copy it to your Applications folder. It will work if you don't, but you'll feel better if you do. Double-click TubeSock to begin. Copy and paste a YouTube URL from your browser, and click "Preview" or "Save".
TubeSock will immediately ask you if you want it to automatically check for updates. This is a good idea, and it sends no private data about you to us, but if it makes you feel queasy, you don't have to.
OK, now what? (Windows version)
After you download the TubeSock setup program, you should run it. It will check for the proper version of the dot net frameworks, and if you don't have it, it will offer to download it for you. After everything is instaled, you'll have a TubeSock icon on your desktop. Double-click the TubeSock icon to begin. Copy and paste a YouTube URL from your browser, and click "Preview" or "Save".
Previewing a video
To view and download a video, simply paste the YouTube URL (or video ID) into the text field and click "Preview".
To integrate TubeSock with Safari or Firefox, select "Integrate with Safari" from the application menu. Then, whenever you are viewing a YouTube video you want to move to your iPod, just click the link.
Saving a video
Help me! I'm having trouble! I have a feature request! Send an email to me at and I'll get right on it.
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